Tag Archive | small cock humiliation

Spreading The Word About Cuckold Humiliation

I outeCuckold humiliation for my friend's husbandd another one of you cuckold humiliation addicts last week. I met a friend from my former job for drinks and she told me she was going to divorce her husband. When I asked why, Lisa told me she was so sexually frustrated that she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Tim has a very small cock“, she whispered to me. “Only about four inches. I can barely feel it inside me.”

I asked her if she’d talked to him about her sexual frustration. “I did. But he doesn’t get it at all. He acted like it was some kind of turn on for him! Started asking me about my old boyfriend who had a big cock. Jerome. Do you remember Jerome?”

Mmm, I was much better acquainted with Jerome and his last-all-night big black cock than she knew but I thought I’d better not mention that so I just nodded.

“Tim didn’t seem to realize I was serious! He actually wanted to have sex! Well, not sex exactly. He said he wanted me to fuck myself with a big dildo and pretend I was fucking Jerome, while he watched me and masturbated.  What an ass! I told him I didn’t want a dildo, I wanted a divorce.”

I asked a few more questions and the more she told me the more sure I was that Tim was a prime candidate for cuckold humiliation and small cock humiliation.  I decided to tell her about me and my marriage.  She was amazed but fascinated when I explained her about how my husband and my cuckold phone callers get off on being cuckolded and humiliated.

“So you think Tim would be turned on if I was fucking other men?” she asked.

“I’m so sure I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t one of my cuckold phone sex callers.  But that’s not the point.  It really doesn’t matter if he’s into it or not.  This is about YOU,” I replied. “You need to get back to having great sex again.  You’re going to go home tonight and tell him that from now on, things are going to be different.  That you’re entitled to great sex and since his small cock couldn’t provide it, he is now officially a cuckold husband with all the humiliation that entails. He can learn to get into it or you will divorce him.”

“You’re right,” she said. “That’s what I need to do.  But I haven’t fucked anyone else yet, so he’s not a real cuckold husband yet.”

“He will be by the time you get home,” I smiled.  “Did you know that Jerome works at the bar right down the street?”

Small Cock Cuckold Humiliation

cuckold-humiliation-small-cockBeing forced to recognize the inadequacy of your cock is an almost universal part of cuckold humiliation.  Having an average or big cock doesn’t guarantee you won’t be cuckolded but having a small cock pretty much guarantees that you will be.   And if you have an average or bigger cock and your woman cuckolds you, you’ll have to deal with the fact that her lover will almost definitely have a bigger cock than yours.

One of my cuckold phone callers recently asked me, “The truth now. All that stuff about women wanting big cocks — that’s all fantasy, right?  An average cock like mine gets the job done just fine, doesn’t it?”  Ummm, no.  It’s not a cuckold humiliation fantasy when I tell you that your “average” skinny 5 inch cock does not deliver the kind of sexual pleasure that a woman gets from a thick  7 or 8 inch cock.   You don’t have to take my word for it.  Watch her when he’s fucking her.  Look at her face while he’s pumping that big thick rod into her.  You’ll see a sexual ecstasy on her face that you never saw when you were fucking her.  Just because some chart told you that your cock size is average, don’t think for a minute that you aren’t a disappointment between the sheets compared to her larger cocked lovers.

At least you cucks with a really small cock have usually had enough experience with small cock humiliation that you know without a doubt how totally useless your puny pricklette is.  You’ve seen the looks on women’s faces when you drop your pants and they get their first look at what you have — or should I say “don’t have” — between your legs.  You’ve heard her ask “Is it in yet?” and blushed with embarrassment because you had to answer “yes”.  You’ve looked at her secret collection of sex toys and can’t help but notice that the dildos are all much larger than your tiny tool.

Does all that sound familiar?  I thought so.  :)  Let’s talk and we’ll relive all your shameful moments of cuckold humiliation.